This is about Norway, still I want to translate it, to warn others about how the road to hell is pawed with good intentions. Even the best of societies can be better, and sometimes it can be too much of a good thing.
Norwegians are conscientious and responsible, and we know that we must obey rules and regulations. They are there for a reason. When 117 persons died in a fire during Pentecost celebrations in a church at Grue, Finnskog, we got a law saying that the doors of a public building must always open outwards. This was not the first fire regulation, we had them at least since Christian 4th tried to prevent city fires and other calamities. And it most definitely was not going to be the last!
After WW2, when the country had to be rebuilt, we got a new principle: The Norwegian Home. Through competitions for architects the government tried to find the best prototype for standardised houses that would wipe out regional and social differences. In the Soviet union these enterprises was done by the state, our Gerhardsen offered good financial help and left it to the citizens to build the houses. The result of this was a lot of very creative ideas to circumvent the housing bank`s strict rules. Not just to build bigger or better, but also to make an individual mark on the house, a personalised home.
In todays world we also have a global responsibility. We must be better at building energy-effective houses. I remember discussions in some communities about insulation injunctions, that even cabins had to have 10 cm approved material in the walls. But what if the owner didn`t plan to use the cabin during winter? Some owners argued that it should be his right to decide between building costs and heating costs. Maybe we should also think about the law of diminishing returns? If you increase from 15 cm to 20 cm, it will be a noticeable difference. But not as big as the difference between 10 cm and 15 cm. When you increase from 25, you must add a lot to get noticeable difference at all… So next injunction will maybe be 60cm?
One good thing is the window casings can be used as extra bed for guests. Secret passages in the walls will be common feature again. It will be enough space, and just like after the English civil war those who are not of the right faith will need hiding places and easy escape routes.
Those of us who lived a while remember absolutely sealed, airtight houses were tried in the 80s. What is now called passive houses. The experience from last time, is that the only organisms who thrive better are the moulds. Albeit one provider of ready-made houses claimed that he had seen houseplants in some of the houses. I even think the owners might have been breathing indoors! Of course perfect technical inventions like this are not meant for humans to use them…
Now our beautiful old stoves can not be used anymore. It is only now, the very recent years, that someone found out how to construct stoves. Imagine that, after using wood for heating all these centuries we suddenly discovered we have been doing this wrong all the time? I wonder how the halls in ancient, heritage homes will look with modern contemporary wood burners? But this replacement project will of course give income for some people. Those same people who have now been trying for years to make us feel bad about the old stoves!
When we built the first extension, I went to the local building department. I filled in some forms, talked with people that I knew, and I got building permission and approval that I am responsible for this project. Because they knew me, they knew I had been working for my father, and he was a skilled carpenter. They counted on me doing a good job
when I built my own home. Of course this practice had some faults, I know very well that some people would build 3 or 4 houses and later sell them, houses that did not meet any standards, built by workers who had no idea what the word responsible means, and they got the permits to easy. So by the time we made the second extension, the rules had been tightened. That time I brought home a stack of papers, and it took me days to answer all the questions. In return I got a separate document saying I am responsible. Not only for this building project, it was no limitations at all… I, Siv-Ingvild Thirud, am responsible! I framed that piece of paper and hang it on the wall, for the kids to see every time they tried to question any of my decisions. Mother is indisputable, she is the responsible…. I wonder where that document is now?
Now the stack of paper needed for building permission is thicker than many novels I have read, and the language is so difficult any ordinary carpenter will need help from a lawyer. I do not know if it was the intention, but the result is they made it almost impossible for small companies or independent builders to survive. Soon it will only be a few very big factories, producing readymade houses.
In addition to being obedient and conscientious, we must also be good at planning ahead. If we build a house when we are 25, we must think about how life will be if we become disabled in our old age. So all doors must be wide enough for wheelchair, and stairs are a nuisance.
Albeit stairs can also be good exercise. My grandmother lived on fourth floor with no elevator, and she was certain the stairs kept her in good shape. When she was 80, she lived in a world of her own, but her legs were still strong. I think this must be a good thing, if we live so long something will have to give, it is better that the mind squabble than the other end? I can very well imagine having the strength and the energy to do whatever I want, and drive the grandchildren crazy because I refuse to eat anything but cakes and chocolate! But this kind of exercise, to carry all groceries up 5 stairs, it is no longer any need for that. Now we have gyms and fitness centres, so we can keep the business alive and spend some more money and consume some more of the world’s resources.
I discussed this with an orthodox, right believer building engineer. I made some unsuccessful attempts at defending my decision to let the building follow the sloping terrain, to get the best use of the plot. And by doing this, I planned and built a house with many stairs. He made realise how inconsiderate I am, in not thinking about disabled people who might want to visit me. I have heard the same about having cats and dogs, that it would be a problem for people who are allergic or afraid. The way our society is now evolving, I would not be surprised if we get a law against cats. That might be the reason behind media`s focus lately on the threat that housecats pose to the bird population. They are preparing the ground for the politician planning to make this initiative.
So what about dust? If the same rules are to apply to private homes as to public buildings, concerning both availability, and health, cleanliness and security? I don`t even want to think about it!
Another essential concern for this building engineer was the respect for the next owner of my house. Back to the Stalinistic planned economy way of thinking. We do not build for ourselves, but for the Nation! I am only the tenant here in this cubicle for a limited amount of time. All respect for the development in the Soviet union, they managed to transform one of the world’s most backwards and poor societies into a modern, industrialised and relative wealthy one. And they gave good housing to all the people living in sheds and barracks at the gentry estates. But this is not the situation in Norway! It is even a long time since many of us were tenants moving from one cottage to another, depending on economy and work. And all furniture and utilities followed the cottage, and all we needed to pack for moving was our own clothes. Today we can actually afford the luxury of being self owned, if we so want.
So who wanted this direction of development, for our society? Is there some conspiratory will behind this? Or did it just happen?
I actually believe some old-fashioned diehard socialists still have deep rooted distrust for any private property, and some twisted ideas about shared values. The majority of those who fight for new and more rules have a genuine wish for making life better, safer and easier for us all. Of course it is very good that all doors now open outwards, I just think it is terrible sad that it took such a terrible tragedy for us to think about this. I also think we all agree it is a good rule not to cover a chimney in wood or other materials that can easy catch fire. The problem occurs when the rules and regulations become too many, we cannot see the wood for all the trees. If there are more than 5 signs at the road junction, we don`t read any of them.
Then there are those bureaucrats with tunnel-vision, only able to see their own small field of interest. The ornithologist see the cat kill birds, he doesn`t consider what they do for the rats and mice population. Some have an even narrower field of interest, they just live to design forms.
So we need a balance. We need someone to keep an eye on the rule-makers, to tell them when it is enough. Or too much… This should probably been the politicians, because they are elected by us, to manage the society and its development on our behalf.
Keep the good rules. Stop interfering with how we want our own homes to be. We want to create a personal, special environment where we can be happy! When a new owner move in, the house will be changed according to his taste. Even if it is the house he inherited from parents or grandparents, it will never be exactly as the new owner wants it.
And about the idea of building for lifetime. It is difficult to predict the future. If I have an accident and become disabled, maybe living here to be close to the forest would not be important anymore? But many of my friends talk about what to do, to buy a little apartment that is easy to maintain, or to customize their house, for when they are older. So I decided also, it is time to think about old age. I will start making holes and tunnels through the walls and the floors, to build a monstrous model railroad So if anyone have parts, rails or trains, from the Märklin miniature series to sell, please contact me!
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